The deeserve cloud – clever technology driving your business

We ask you “What do you want to achieve?”
We then consult, design, implement, and support a Cloud solution to
meet your needs.

  • “What do you want to achieve?”

    Our process is simple; you tell us what you want, and we’ll design it with you – for example, you may want to move your servers to the Cloud, start Live Streaming video or enhance the performance of your web site and hosting. Once it’s designed, we’ll implement it on the deeserve Cloud and pro-actively support it, whilst continuing to work closely with you.

  • Cloud Networks

    Every infrastructure needs a network, and the Cloud is no different. You will have at least one, dedicated network for your Cloud Servers that works in exactly the same way as a physical network would. Your own private subnet (IP addresses can be configured as you wish) allows communication between all of your Cloud Servers and Cloud Firewalls.

  • Support

    Bolt on our comprehensive support services, and you can be sure we’ll take care of your entire Cloud Network including Cloud Servers. From server configuration changes to routine maintenance, our support services aim to offer a complete end-to-end solution from deployment to on-going management.

  • Scalable

    As your business grows, so too will the need of your Cloud infrastructure. Our Cloud is scalable, so you can cope as your requirements increase. We’ll grow and adapt to suit your new and changing demands – whether you need more processing power, more memory, or more storage, scaling up and scaling out has never been easier.

  • Cloud Servers

    Our Cloud Servers are designed to be as flexible as possible – as such, we offer a wide range of specifications (vCPU, RAM, Storage) as well as a wide range of Operating System support (including Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012 R2, 2016, 2019 and Linux). We can build your Cloud infrastructure in line with your requirements, quickly and easily.

  • Cloud Firewalls

    You’d expect any network to have a firewall protecting it, and our Cloud Networks are no different. Each Cloud Network is equipped with a Cloud Firewall, offering advanced functionality such as packet filtering and VPNs. You may also make use of advanced Intrusion Prevention (IPS), Gateway AV, and Web Filtering functionality. Advanced logging and reporting can also be implemented.

  • Monitoring

    It’s never been more important to track patterns of performance. Taking advantage of our sophisticated deeserve monitoring platform means that all important metrics from your Cloud Network is reported and alerted on, from individual Cloud Server CPU usage to external response times into the Network from the Internet.

  • Flexible

    Here at deeserve we believe in the tailor-made suit. We’re a smart bunch. We don’t want to fit into something that isn’t just right for us. We certainly don’t want you to either. This is why our bespoke, scalable packages are uniquely designed to fit the need of the business: Ensuring our Cloud works alongside existing technologies. One size does not fit all.

More services to help

We offer a comprehensive range of IT services to suit all businesses - from "helpdesk"-style IT support to data centre hosting services.

Proactive IT Systems

Established solution partners

  • Microsoft
  • Hp
  • WatchGuard
  • cisco.

Want to work with us?

We are driven by creating experiences that deliver
results for your business and for your customers.
Or just email on [email protected]