Blog / News

The latest news and opinion from the deeserve team on IT support and cloud services.

How to spot phishing emails (Part 1)

So-called ‘phishing’ emails work by tricking you into clicking a link to install malware on your computer, or convincing you to input personal data that the attackers then steal. As you’ll have gathered, they’re bad news.

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10 New Year’s IT Resolutions for 2022

Many of us take advantage of the start of a new year to turn over a new leaf – or at least to try to. As 2022 gets underway, we’re sharing ten resolutions you can make this year to help put your IT systems in a stronger position for your business.

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What does an IT support team do? – Part 1

“IT support” – sounds simple enough, but it’s a bit of a vague term, isn’t it? We like to keep things straightforward here at deeserve, so today we’re going to talk you through what an IT support team actually does, in plain English…

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Three things that could help if your work laptop is stolen

A loss of a laptop is always more than an inconvenience (apart from that call to your Boss) – hardware can be replaced, and, depending on your companies policies, so can your data.  But it’s the data we’re focusing on here, as ultimately that is more important and more valuable than any physical asset.

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Tape Backup vs The Rest

It’s difficult to say using a tape backup solution isn’t suitable in 2020 – the tapes are small so they’re easily transportable off-site, they’re reliable, and they’re fast.

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How do you Solve a Problem Like Data?

For the most part, IT Departments are tasked with the preservation of data, backing it up, restoring previous versions, etc. But what when you need to purposefully destroy data you don’t need any more?

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More services to help

We offer a comprehensive range of IT services to suit all businesses - from "helpdesk"-style IT support to data centre hosting services.

Proactive IT Systems

Established solution partners

  • Microsoft
  • Hp
  • WatchGuard
  • cisco.

Want to work with us?

We are driven by creating experiences that deliver
results for your business and for your customers.
Or just email on [email protected]